本物のパンでできたライトLamp made from real bread
Bread isn’t just a delicious thing we eat. It has the power to change our mood and
warm our hearts.
We’ve combined the
gentle charm of bread with a soothing light to make an entirely new kind of interior light.
Illuminate your life through the gentle, delicious light of a wholly
unique, one-of-a-kind piece of bread.
(Because all our products are thoroughly treated with a unique antiseptic, antifungal process, your enjoyment is assured
for years to come)

内側からほんわり優しく灯る明かりによって、パンの不思議な魅力が一層際立ちます。A peek into the world of bread reveals an entirely different set of features from one piece to the next. Each piece of
bread is like a living thing, one with plenty of personality. From the scores in coupe bread, the browned edges of a
baguette, and the traces of folds left in the dough, to the orientation of the fibers in a sliced loaf of bread and the
layer of butter in a croissant, these features are an expression of the bread’s inner light. With the help of a gentle
light shining from within, these mysterious charms are highlighted even further.

「これだ!!!」輝いて見えたパンを見た瞬間、私の探していたものはこれだと直感的に感じたのです。それが、パンプシェードの始まりの瞬間でした。What is it about bread that attracts me? As a university student, I was busy from morning to night studying art and also
working part-time at a bakery. With each day that I spent working with bread, I became more and more captivated. Before
I knew it, bread had captured my heart. As I delved into my unceasing fascination with the “power of bread,” I began
making artwork out of it. I tried slicing it thinly and observing it under a microscope. I researched different types of
bread molds. I made a self-portrait out of bread. Through trial and error, I spent my days creating things that weren’t
quite good enough to be called art. Then, one evening, as I was experimenting with eating only the crumb (the soft inner
part of the bread) from a loaf of French bread, a shaft of light from the evening sun struck the hollowed out bread. For
a moment, the bread appeared to be illuminated. This was it! The instant I saw the bread appear to sparkle and shine, I
knew instinctively that I had found what I was looking for. That was the beginning of Pampshade.

最後まで味わい尽くすSavor every last bite
「パンを美味しく、楽しく、味わい尽くす。」 をモットーに活動してる私たちは、パンプシェードのくり抜いたパンの中身(クラム)も、決して無駄にはしません。
「どのパンプシェードの中身かな?」と、想像しながら食べてください。Our work is guided by the principle of enjoying every last delicious part of the bread. This means we let nothing go to
waste, including of course the crumb, the soft inner part of the bread that we remove when making our Pampshade
products. This part of the bread is perfectly tasty on its own, but we wanted to find a way to make it more flavorful
and more fun to eat. From this desire, we decided to use this crumb to make rusk. With the help of a professional chef
we developed a product that allows you to enjoy a depth of flavor different from an ordinary piece of bread. Depending
on work conditions, the types of bread we use in our rusk can change. As you enjoy, try to imagine what type of
Pampshade was being made when the crumb for this rusk was removed.

作品作りに活かしています。We purchase unsold bread and turn it into works of art
この活動が、パン屋さん、世界中のパン好きの方々、ひいてはパン業界全体に、ポジティブで小さなインパクトを与えることに繋がれば。それが1番の喜びです。Despite the earnest effort that goes into making it, some bread is left unsold and discarded at the end of the day.
Similarly, leftover dough is sometimes discarded before it can ever be formed into a piece of bread. This bread does not
make it into a customer’s hands. No one enjoys it. It simply disappears. We seek to shine a spotlight on this bread, and
breathe new life into it by transforming it into a work of art. While we’re at it, we also want to support our bakeries
by purchasing this bread at the highest possible price. It is out of this desire that Yukiko Morita purchases unsold
bread from affiliate bakeries and uses it to create new products. Our greatest hope is that these actions will lead to
small, positive impacts for bakeries, bread-lovers around the world, and even the entire breadmaking industry.

作品は全て手作りAll products are completely handmade
本物のパンをくり抜き、LED ライトを埋め込んで、特殊な防腐防カビ加工をほどこして仕上げる。
目に見える部分も、そうでない部分も、今でも更なる改良に向けて、日々工夫をこらしています。Working with real bread, we hollow out each piece, embed LED lights, and apply a unique antiseptic and antifungal
coating. The foundation of Yukiko Morita’s artisanal products is our handcrafted, studio-based approach. From hollowing
out the bread to embedding the lights, each step is performed by hand in order to highlight the unique features of each
piece. The bread’s delicious texture is preserved while an antiseptic and antifungal coating is applied to ensure the
product can be used for years to come. In the 15-plus years since the first Pampshade products were born, we’ve made
numerous improvements to our creation process. Whether these improvements are immediately visible to our customers or
not, we continue to seek new ways to improve our products even to this day.