柔らかな時を刻む時計Melting Clocks
NAAAAN timeの和名は「今、ナン時」(イマ
【 素材 】強力粉、薄力粉、塩、イースト、砂糖、時計針、ムーブメント、他
What’s the time?
These loosely shaped and delicious-looking works of art tell
us the time in a calmand relaxing way.
Why need to count each minute. We hope you can take it
easy just like naan's loose forms.
【 Ingredients 】 Flour, salt, yeast, sugar, clock hands, clock movement, etc.
Inspired from Salvador Dalí
It was inspired by Salvador Dali's masterpiece, "The Clinging of Memory," aka
Soft Clock.
He describes the image of the past time fading and dissolving in memory as a
"This art work questions the contradiction created by making the clock, a measure of time,
ambiguous, raises questions about the busy days when we are so busy that we are pressed for
“Art and Nepal”とのコラボレーション作品Collab with Curry restaurant “Art and Nepal”
この作品は、インドネパールカレー屋さんの『Art and Nepal』とのコラボレーションで実現しています。
個性豊かなナンは、一枚づつ本物のタンドリー窯で焼かれています。This product is the result of a collaboration with Art and Nepal, an Indian/Nepalese curry restaurant. Their richly
distinctive naan is baked one piece at a time in an authentic tandoori oven.

作品は全て手作りAll products are completely handmade
ナンのトロンとしたゆる〜いフォルムに時計の針を何枚も取り付けていると、時空が歪んでくるような、なんだか不思議な気持ちになります。Since each piece of naan is fired one at a time in a tandoori oven, their shape and coloring varies from one piece to
the next. With each clock that we affix to the naan’s drooping, languid form, there begins to arise a strange sensation
that time itself is being distorted.