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Notice Regarding Similar Products(類似品について)

2024年9月の上旬、Tiktok上でTemuで販売されたクロワッサンランプにアリが集っていたという動画が話題になり、多くの注目を集めました。この動画で取り上げられた製品は、当社の製品ではなく、中国製やロシア製などの類似品であることを確認しております。In early September 2024, a video on Tiktok showing ants gathering around a croissant lamp sold on Temu gained significant attention. We have confirmed that the product featured in the video is not one of our products, but rather a similar product made in countries such as China or Russia.

私たちは、こうした類似品と当社製品が混同されてしまうケースに対し、非常に強い懸念を抱いております。ここに、当社製品と類似品の違いを明確に説明いたします。We are deeply concerned about the confusion that may arise between such similar products and our genuine products. We would like to take this opportunity to clarify the differences between our products and these similar offerings.

●About Our Products
PAMPSHADE®️ is the original “bread lamp” brand created in 2007 by Japanese artist Yukiko Morita. The name PAMPSHADE comes from “PAN” (meaning bread) and “LAMPSHADE,” representing the fusion of real bread and light. Each of our lamps is meticulously handmade in Japan as an artistic piece that breathes new life into real bread. We are committed to repurposing as much discarded bread as possible, striving to create a sustainable business model that is also environmentally friendly.

●Regarding Similar Products on the Market
It has come to our attention that croissant lamps sold on online marketplaces such as Temu, Amazon, Alibaba, and Rakuten are being mistaken for our products. These products are not made by us, and their quality and manufacturing processes differ greatly from our standards. In particular, many of these products lack proper preservative and anti-mold treatments, which can lead to poor quality and potential issues.

●Quality and Safety of Our Products
Our products are treated with advanced proprietary techniques for preservation and anti-mold protection, ensuring that they remain safe and beautiful even with long-term use. Unlike the similar products that have gained attention on Tiktok, our bread lamps do not attract ants or face similar issues. We emphasize that our products are entirely different in terms of quality and craftsmanship.

●Where to Purchase Our Products
PAMPSHADE®️ products are available exclusively through carefully selected retailers and our official online store.

・Retailer list: https://yukikomorita.com/shop/index.html ・Official online store: https://shop.yukikomorita.com/

TemuやAmazon、Aliexpress、楽天市場などのマーケットプレイスでは、当社の製品は一切取り扱っておりませんのでご注意ください。Please note that we do not sell our products on platforms such as Temu, Amazon, Aliexpress, or Rakuten.

今後も、私たちはオリジナルのアート作品として高品質な製品を提供し続け、皆様に愛されるブランドでありたいと願っています。We will continue to offer high-quality products as original art pieces, and we sincerely hope to remain a brand cherished by all.

株式会社パンセム CEO 兼 アーティスト 森田優希子
Contact Information
Panthem Co., Ltd.
CEO & Artist Yukiko Morita
Email: info@panthem.jp
Official website: https://yukikomorita.com