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Peace Bread Lamp Project “Paska”


連日報道されるウクライナ侵攻のニュース。誰もが望んでいるはずの平和が、日常が、こうも簡単に崩れてしまう現実。テレビの向こうの出来事にただ胸を痛めるのではなく、少しでも力になれるように、 緊急企画をスタートいたします。The invasion of Ukraine is reported daily. Witnessing the reality that peace and daily life, which everyone should hope for, can be so easily shattered, we are starting an emergency project to help Ukrainian people not just to be saddened, but to be able to help in any way we can.

We are selling Paska, a limited edition of PAMPSHADE.
All profits from this item will be donated to Peace Winds Japan (PWJ), Japan’ first NGO working on humanitarian aid and disaster support.

🛒 → HERE


What is leftover dough? It is the leftovers of dough that comes out when baking a lot of bread. Since the dough continues to ferment, it should be baked in the oven and just be thrown away.
This Paska is made from those leftover dough by our partner bakery.

象徴的な表面の模様には、さまざまなキリスト教にまつわるモチーフがあしらわれているのだそう。例えば渦模様はキリストの復活や聖霊を、また、マラスキーノ・チェリーが入れられる場合はキリストの復活を祝した宝石を象徴しているといいます。Paska is traditional bread that Christians eat during Easter in central and eastern European countries such as Ukraine, Romania and Poland. It’s slightly sweet egg bread that can be decorated with religious symbols.

今年のイースターは4月17日。ウクライナの人々が一日でも早く平和を取り戻せることを願って。Easter 2022 is April 17. We hope Ukraine people can regain peace and safety as soon as possible.

集まった寄付金額は、このページで最終金額を報告させていただきます。The final donation amount will be reported on this page.

What is leftover dough?
It is the leftovers of dough that comes out when baking a lot of bread. Since the dough continues to ferment, it should be baked in the oven and just be thrown away. This Paska is made from those leftover dough by our partner bakery.

🛒 → HERE


ロスパンを使うことSALVAGE to CREATE

Most of the bread used in my work is made from “bread loss”. Bread loss means unsold bread, loss dough from baking bread, and frozen dough that has expired and can no longer be used, in bakeries. I am not sure how to correctly say them, but I say these breads as “bread loss”. The situation of bread loss varies depending on the size and business type of the bakery. And even though it is bread loss, bread is still bread. It is still bread that fascinates me.

どうせ使用するならロスパンを。それも、ただで引き取りなどではなく、なるべく高い金額でパン屋さんから買い取ること。 If I’m going to use bread anyway, I want to use bread loss. Furthermore, I would also like to purchase them from bakeries for the highest possible price, not just for free.

私はパンがどんなに手間隙をかけて作られたかを知っています。ロスパンを出来るだけ高い金額で買い取ることで、パン屋さんにも喜んでもらいたい。 I know how much time and effort goes into making bread. I want to make the bakery happy by purchasing the loss bread at the highest price possible.

私は作品を作ることで、パンの新たな価値提供だけでなく、小さいながらもパン業界への貢献が出来ればと願っています。 I hope that by creating my work, not only provide new value to bread, but also contribute to the baking industry in some small way.


パンを巡る、表現の冒険An adventure in expression through bread

私自身の今後の活動の5年、10年を見据えて、私たちのホームページを全面リニューアルしました。I have completely renewed our website with a view to the next five to ten years of my own activities.

The first time I made bread lamp was in 2006. That’s 16 years ago!
I cannot hide my surprise at how quickly the months pass. What amazes me the most is that even after 16 years, I myself am still not tired of my works.

This bread light was initially a “work” of art just for myself. Gradually, as they were passed on to other people, they began to have a face as a “product,” and more and more people became involved in the production of the pampshades. Last year, the company was incorporated and now there are nearly 10 people helping me with my project as staff.
I would like to continue the activities as artists to convey the charm of bread. I would also like to continue to employ our current staff members and protect their livelihoods.

私を支えてくれる周りのスタッフや家族・取引先、パンを提供してくださるパン屋さん、そして、私たちの活動を応援してくださる全ての方に感謝し、パンを通じて小さな幸せを届けたい。これからも精一杯がんばりますので、引き続き応援よろしくお願いいたします。I would like to thank our staff, our families, our business partners, the bakeries that provide us with bread, and all those who support our activities, and bring a little happiness through bread. I will continue to do my best and ask for your continued support.


Introduced at Japanese magazine “Hanako”

2021年8月 雑誌マガジンハウス『Hanako 8月号』のV6 三宅健さんのコラム「みやけのものごころ」にてご紹介いただきました。 We are introduced at Japanese magazine “Hanako” by magazine-house at August 2021.


Participation in a Fair

2021年3月 ウェブメディア『Fassion P日本最大級のインテリア・デザイン見本市、GIFT SHOWにて同時開催の『ACTIVE CREATORS』に出展いたします。ress』にて取り上げていただきました。 We will participate a Fair『ACTIVE CREATORS / GIFT SHOW』in Tokyo DATE : 02-05 Feb 2021


Selected at “GOOP” produced by Gwyneth Paltrow in US.

アメリカのハリウッド女優のグィネス・パウトローさん主催のブランド、『Goop』のクリスマスギフトガイドに選定いただきました。 Our works are selected at “GOOP” produced by Gwyneth Paltrow in US.